28 Flowers That Start With D (With Pictures)

Flowers are always a safe choice as gifts whenever there is a celebration, or you want to make someone happy. Gifts relay feelings and emotions, and so is your choice of flower. If you are looking for flowers that start with a particular letter, here are 28 flowers that start with D.


1. Daffodil


The daffodil is a perennial flower with the scientific name Narcissus pseudonarcissus. It can grow to a height of approximately 41 centimeters. This yellow flower indeed adds brightness wherever they are planted or placed.

The leaves of daffodils are long and narrow, while the flowers have a trumpet-shaped bloom at the center, which is the most prominent characteristic of the flower. Daffodils are known to be one of the first blooms in the spring.


2. Daisy


Daisy is a member of the aster family and can take on various types that can be differentiated through subtle details. Their composite flower head can have 15 to 30 rays of white petals– a distinguishing feature of the species.

The petals are arranged so that they encircle a center that is made up of bright yellow disk blooms. Daisies have petals that close at night and reopen in the morning.


3. Dahlia


Dahlias are perennials with tuberous roots and simple leaves that are either segmented, serrated or cut. They feature brilliant, multicolored flowers that bloom continuously.

Dahlia flowers’ colors can vary, but one of the most striking features of this flower is the ringed petals surrounding the flower’s center. Dahlia is also a flower that belongs to the aster family.


4. Dandelion


One flowering plant most likely to stick out in people’s minds is the lovely dandelion. Dandelions are easily recognizable by their bright yellow flowers and their distinctively serrated leaves.

Every aspect of a dandelion is functional; thus, they’re like magical flowers. It is also a well-known herb that aids in treating liver and gall bladder issues.


5. Dalmatian Bellflower

Dalmatian Bellflower

Dalmatian Bellflowers are evergreen perennial plants that have a significant growth habit. They grow up as a low, mound-forming plants. In the summer, they blossom flowers of a deep purple hue.

Their flowers grow closely together, making them look like a bouquet. The flower’s five petals are long triangles that sometimes form a curl at the pointy part.


6. Dalmatian Iris

Dalmatian Iris

Dalmatian Iris is also known as Sweet Iris. It is a plant that has been in gardens for a very long time. This plant grows in low clumps that are shaped like swords.

The leaves are colored green in the middle and are white along the margins. The fragrant blossoms of the Dalmatian Iris can be either blue or yellow, while the foliage of some types is varied.


7. Daylilies


Daylilies are known for producing big, multicolored flowers. They are hardy and resilient plants that come back every year even in harsh conditions. They can even survive drought.

Their Flowers are produced on stems known as scapes– with no leaves. Wild daylilies’ colors were limited to orange, yellow, fulvous, and rosy-fulvous variations. However, works of hybridization have made it possible for them to come in various hues.


8. Datura


Datura is also labeled as thorn apple. Plants belonging to the genus Datura are either herbaceous annuals or brief-lived perennials. They have enormous flowers that are shaped like trumpets.

The sweetly scented blooms can be in colors white, yellow, pink, or purple. These flowers create a fruit that is shaped as spiny capsules filled with a vast number of seeds. Datura leaves are plain and placed in an alternate pattern. The leaves margins may either be whole, lobed, or wavy.


9. Daphne


In general, daphne will reach a height of 3–4 feet and a width of 2–4 feet. They bear very fragrant blooms that are a reddish-purple color—their interior ranges in color from pale pink to white.

Daphne’s fragrant flowers and, frequently, brilliantly colored berries are some of the plant’s notable features. The delicate, sweet, peppery, and soapy aroma of Daphne’s beautiful blossoms is captivating.


10. Desert Candle

Desert Candle

The Desert Candle is a plant that can survive extreme heat and drought. The very name suggests that it is a kind of candle that brings light to even the driest places where it thrives.

This plant has charming flowers and a unique structure. This plant has an unusual flower structure. It has a tall columnar stem. The stem holds alternating and columnar buds that are greenish-yellow, tapering off at the very top.


11. Desert Marigold

Desert Marigold

This flowering plant belongs to the family Asteraceae. Desert Marigold blooms bright lemon yellow-colored flowers. They have lobed leaves that are dark green with silvery-white hairs.

These leaves also grow extremely low on the sturdy stems. Like other flowers in the family, desert marigolds have distinct florets that are organized in dense heads, giving the impression that it’s a single bloom.


12. Delosperma


There are a few other names for the species Delosperma, including Cooper’s Hardy Ice Plant and Hardy Ice Plant. It is a plant with a long blooming season and produces a dense mat of green leaves that are velvety, soft, and purple-pink.

The flowers resemble daisies. Due to their resistance to high temperatures, they make excellent choices for plants that may be grown outside.


13. Delphinium


The delphinium leaves grow alternately on long stalks and might be palmately split or lobed. Delphinium blooms are arranged in elongated terminal clusters and can come in a range of hues, from blue, pink, white, and purple or almost white.

You might also notice that it has a single spike on the back of its head. These plants are cultivated for the beautiful clusters of brilliant summer flowers they produce.


14. Desert Rose

Desert Rose

The desert rose has a unique form resembling a bonsai, having a truck that is thick and swollen. Their leaves have a glossy appearance and a dark green color; this creates the impression that the leaves are very much alive.

During periods of drought, their trunk is what helps them store water. Desert Rose flowers are fashioned like trumpets and come in various festive colors like pink, purple, red, and white. The most common colors for its flowers are red, scarlet, pink, and maroon.


15. Devil-in-a-bush


Devil-in-a-bush is also called Love-in-a-mist. This uncommon member of the buttercup family has flowers that are a striking shade of purple. One of the notable features of this flower is the needle-like lobed bracts surrounding it.

Devil-in-a-bush can reach heights of 20–50 centimeters. They have thread-like leaves that are pinnately split and grow alternately. These flowers come in various colors of blue. They can also be pink, white, or pale purple.


16. Deutzia

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Deutzia produces flowers that are up to one and a half centimeters long. They usually come in color white and are star-shaped. The flower’s exterior may have a faint hue of pink or purple.

Another thing about the flowers is their prominent fragrance. They bloom around late in spring. Because they usually grow in a bunch and close to each other, the lovely flowers blanket the shrub for close to two weeks.


17. Dew Flower

Dew Flower

Despite its fiery appearance, Dew Flower is surprisingly smooth and silky. It has leaves that are very fine and hairlike. These hairlike leaves cover stems that are slender and, at the same time, strong.

Once dew flowers begin producing flowers, they would seem happy and enjoying their blooming days like it does not want to stop. The fact that individual blossoms might survive for several weeks is an added plus.


18. Diascia


Diascia has a delicate appearance and is sometimes referred to as twin spur. It is related to the snapdragon. Some types tend to grow more vertically, while others will pour over the sides of their container when planted in pots.

They are shaped like tubes and are lipped. Each one has two spurs protruding from the back of the flower. The Diascia is a plant that is used widely as an aesthetic plant all over the world.


19. Dianella


The flowering stalk of Dianella can grow to be up to around 61 centimeters in length and is stretched from the very tip of the plant’s stem. Its flowers can be up to 0.6 centimeters wide.

Flowers of the Dianella genus are available in various hues, including white or bluish-white petals and sepals. These blossoms are also usually coupled with vivid yellow-orange anthers.


20. Dianthus


Other names for “Dianthus” include “carnations,” “pinks,” and “sweet williams,” though these names are species-specific. The flowers have five petals that appear parted from each other. Their colors can be pink-lilac, pink-purple, or white.

The margins of the petals frequently include picotees. The term “pinks” does not refer to the color itself; instead, it describes the fringed, serrated, or frilly edge that gives the appearance of having been trimmed with “pinking shears.”


21. Dicentra


Dicentra grows in thick clumps up to 4 feet wide, with roots fragile and mushy roots. Its blossoms are pendant blossoms between one and two inches in length and are pretty different than other flower forms.

These blooms also have a delicate appearance. They resemble a heart in outline, thus their nickname. Each rounded flower features two outer petals that are rose pink and two interior petals that are white. They also have a white stamen that protrudes from the bottom as an extra visual point.


22. Dittany


Dittany is a perennial plant with numerous branches and a sluggish growth rate. These stems are square and have wiry, shrub-like branches. Dittany is quite famous for having left of good fragrant quality.

It has delicate flowers that grow in clusters at the base of the leaf axils. Each bloom has a narrow upper lip with two lobes and a broad lower lip with three lobes. Dittany has lavender to deep purple hue.


23. Dracula Celosia

Dracula Celosia

Celosia Dracula is another name for the flowers known as Dracula. This remarkable flower has fan-shaped flowers that are burgundy in color and have a curled or ruffled appearance on the edges.

The petals of the flowers may also be somewhat divided by a thin and short line in the middle of the flower, making it appear like two petals are forming the fan. Atop the dark-purple foliage, its velvety texture is already apparent even without touching it.


24. Dipladenia


The leaves of Dipladenia are delicate and pointed, dark green all the way through. Their leaves are also slightly glossy, which is apparent as you first look at them. The flowers resemble pretty trumpets as they are trumpet-shaped. They come in shades of pink, red, yellow, and white.


25. Dryas


Dryas is a ground-hugging perennial plant. This sweet tiny shrub has saucer-shaped flowers. These flowers have eight to ten petals and are borne on bare stalks. Thus, it is perfect for gardening or growing in cracks amongst pavers or walls because of its ability to spread quickly and cover a large area.


26. Dyer’s Chamomile

Dyer's Chamomile

Dryers Chamomile is a type of perennial plant that grows yearly and is sometimes referred to as yellow camomile, golden chamomile, and marguerite golden. This plant has bright yellow flowers like daisies that grow on long stems.

Internally, it is consumed as a tea, which can be brewed from the flowers or the entire plant, depending on personal preference.


27. Dutch Iris

Dutch Iris

The Dutch Iris is one of the most beautiful flowers suitable for cutting since it features an eye-catching color combination of blue and yellow. They feature flowers that resemble orchids and have velvety petals.

A broad spectrum of hues is seen in flowers, beginning with light blue and lemon and progressing through deep purple, bronze, rose, and gold. Since Dutch irises last for a long time and are simple to arrange in a vase, they have become quite the favorite.


28. Digitalis


Digitalis is also more popularly known as Foxglove. This plant grows clusters of flowers in the shape of bells that hang down from the cluster rather than producing individual flowers on each stem.

The blooms are tubular, and they are produced on long spikes. The colors of the blossoms range from purple to pink, yellow, and white, depending on the species.



Flowers have many categories and can be grouped into several groups, with different species and families. It can be extra hard to look for a flower to grow or give because of the many options, but selecting perimeters is always helpful. Here are 28 flowers that start with D.

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